Category: Editorial/Commentary

Is Humanitarian Aid the Gospel? Know Before You Go.

A few years ago, on Thanksgiving Day, my kids helped feed the homeless at a church in town. After eating, the homeless men and women thanked the servers, then walked away–never hearing the Good News of Jesus. The adult in charge said, “We aren’t here to preach. We aren’t pastors. We just want to show…
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October 17, 2023 0
dad hugging teen daughter sitting in grass

Should Teachers Withhold Vital Info from Parents?

“It takes a village to raise a child,” says the old African proverb. How much we believe in that differs depending on our trust level of the village.

October 10, 2023 0

Does God Still Give New Identities to His Children?

Very few people now know my given name. Except for my medical records, most everything (my mail, my bank, even my signature) changed to Tez. The old name, carrying memories of hurt and shame, has passed away.

February 20, 2023 27

How Should the Church Help Members with LGBTQ Issues?

There are a lot of Christian organizations and churches reaching out and ministering to believers who experience homosexual feelings. But are churches offering the wrong support?

February 9, 2023 1

How To Decide Between Helicopter vs. Free-Range Parenting

As parents see their children grow to leave the nest, they often start second-guessing themselves, wondering if they parented right. Especially if their young adult appears to be struggling to live on their own. Exploring two parenting styles helps us better understand the pros and cons of each.   Hands-Off Parenting Free-range parenting is a…
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January 26, 2023 0

How Are You Protecting Your Teen Daughter from Heartbreak?

A few days ago, a DJ on the radio said his teen daughter just experienced her first heartbreak over a guy at school who dumped her for another girl. He tells the other radio host, “So we’re giving her some space.” I wanted to call into the program. There was so much wrong with this…
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January 21, 2023 0

Should You Buy Tez’s New Book?

Listen to his recent interview on The Author Show. #ReadABook #TheAuthorsShow

September 7, 2022 0

Sunset is Quickly Approaching

My youngest daughter entered high school last fall. I feel like she was just born a few months ago and I holding her in one arm. Parents, have you ever said “I have plenty of time”? I’m not so sure we do. Time flies by so fast and before you know it, it’s dusk. I’m…
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April 27, 2021 0

Is It Ok For Christians To Cuss?

“Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children.” Ephesians 5:1 (NKJV) A couple years ago, I got so mad at my teenager that I cussed. Should Christians cuss? No. But I did, sadly. If you know anything about me, I don’t normally swear and would never allow it in my home. I was raised that this is not…
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January 21, 2021 0

Your Future Impact

I come from a very godly heritage on my mother’s side. I have ancestors and living relatives who are missionaries, pastors, and laypeople deeply grounded in the Word who followed hard after God. I’m thankful for that. Now pause for a minute and picture your own family tree. I’ll bet you thought mostly “up”, didn’t…
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December 15, 2020 0

10 Things to Know About Tipping

Tipping has become one of the most widespread practices in America. Everyone knows how to express delight at excellent service, whether it’s an Uber driver, cruise ship personnel, or hotel concierge. But it can get complex.

February 6, 2020 0