The Little Things

The Little Things

August 22, 2020 Devotion 0

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

From my porch I saw it fly right into someone’s windshield. I walked toward the pile of feathers. A juvenile red-tailed hawk lie on his back, stunned.

Wings could be broke… or might just need to rest and recover.

As a former wildlife rescue volunteer, I acted. I threw a towel over the hawk and gingerly scooped him up. He began to shriek, while overhead, two adult red-tails screamed at me. 

At this hour the vet was closed, so I carried him home. A cage would cause undue stress. But our secluded, fenced yard would protect him overnight.

Morning found the little bird of prey hopping around. He should have flown off by now. Must be a broken wing. Wearing thick gloves, I ventured out to catch the hawk and take him to the vet. 

As I approached, he flapped and glided into a nearby tree. Surprised, but glad he seemed better, I watched him reunite with his family. 

How little I did to help this raptor recover yet what a difference it made. Had he been left by the side of the road all night, he’d surely have wandered into traffic, been attacked by a cat, or died of stress.

Often, the small things we do to care for people make a world of difference we may never hear about. A smile, holding a door open, a warm cup of tea—opportunities present themselves every day.  

We don’t have to go out of our way to show kindness. One of the easiest ways to be Jesus to others is to do something simple but meaningful. What will you do today?

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