Want to Overcome the Anxiety of Adulting? NEW BOOK COMING

Adult-O-Nomics: How to Nail it On Your Own is my newest paperback releasing April 30th! Order the Ebook now!
The book is a short gift book for graduates. Think of it as a survival guide for young adult Christians who are moving out out of their parent’s for the first time. It contains 500 modern proverbs, suggestions, and tips for adulting in today’s world (Tentative release date: April 2024).
International speaker and author of Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell says, “Preparing for adulthood can be challenging and filled with mixed ideals. Tez’s book offers help.”
Steven Douglass, former CEO for Campus Crusade for Christ says, “I am excited about how the Lord is using Tez to advance the Kingdom of God for this generation.”
Here’s a sneak peek at the content from the manuscript:
Tip #2
Chew with your mouth closed and talk with it open.
Tip #5
Explore a museum. Go to a parade. Watch the sunrise. Jump in a pool fully clothed.
Tip #20
Go to church faithfully. Let nothing distract you from being there each week. (See Hebrews 10:25).
Tip #21
Yikes! According to James 4:4, tight friendship with the world and its values means you are choosing to be God’s enemy.
Tip #22
Keeping an open mind all the time, means others can easily throw trash into it.
Tip #50
Girls, be firm and clear with a guy when you need him to leave you alone. Dancing around the issue makes them think there’s still hope.
Tip #89
Sex outside of marriage includes much more than intercourse. Living close to the edge is a compromise in the name of technicalities. God commands us to save our bodies for our spouse alone.
Tip #101
Guys, be the pursuer when it comes to romantic relationships. If a girl is chasing after you, it’s time to man up.
Tip #131
Dress like an adult and people will treat you like one.
Tip #267
Save thousands of dollars, floss your teeth.
Tip #390
Never allow friends or family to sit in with you during a job interview. Employers want secure applicants.
Tip #404
Get close to the godly and wise. Watch them, imitate them. (See Prov. 13:20)
Tip #425
Our most valuable weapon against anxiety is harnessing our thoughts. (See Phil. 4:8)
Tip #455
Why get upset if your old bedroom back home doesn’t remain a shrine to your honor? It’s all part of the circle of life.
Tip #456
Never answer a text when you’re angry. Pray, then wait until the next day to respond.
Tip #479
Whoa! Malachi 3:8-10 says if you neglect giving God his portion of your income you will be financially cursed.
Tip #481
Start an emergency fund and add to it each payday. You’re gonna need it sooner than you think.
Tip #484
Sometimes, when someone pulls up your credit score, it lowers it. Be selective when giving merchants permission to check.
Tip #494
Learn how to develop a budget and stick to it.
Tip #496
Never forget who your Provider really is. (HINT: It isn’t you!)