Update on the New Book

Some of you are wondering when “the book “Adult-o-Nomics is actually launching. Although the Ebook is available for pre-order now on Amazon ($.99 for a limited time), the paperback won’t be released until April 30th.
Excitement is building in the Brooks household because the shipment of the advance author copies will be arriving sometime today with one final endorsement added by best-selling author and worldwide evangelist Nicky Cruz. What a blessing!
Last week it rated as Amazon’s #7 in the Christian counseling category. I’m not sure how it’s considered “counseling” because it’s more of a self-help or Christian living book, but hey, I’ll take it.
I’ve been bathing this book in prayer. It contains a lot of scripture and Biblical truth for young adult believers who are living on their own (or about to). So, I’m praying it’s a blessing to many. If you have a podcast or blog and you’re looking for content, I would be happy to book an interview or provide an article on the topic of anxiety-free adulting.
If you live in or near Colorado Springs, I’d like to invite you to the book launch on May 3rd (5:30 pm to 7:30 pm). It’s an Open House gathering so you can come and go as you like. The location is Wayfinder Coffee, 6140 Austin Bluffs Pkwy, Colorado Springs, CO 80923. Stop by and grab some cake, win a door prize, or purchase a copy of the book. TTFN.