
“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:4-5
Several years ago, I built a pond in our backyard and stocked it with small goldfish. They grew large and healthy within a few months.
Caring for these orange, white, and black spotted fish relaxed me—cleaning the filter regularly, watching the chemical balance and keeping the algae at bay. These beautiful creatures, whether they realized it or not, were completely dependent on me in order to thrive. Simply a few days without my checking on them and something could go haywire, placing them all in harm’s way.
We humans can be clueless when it comes to understanding how dependent we are on each other. Like my goldfish, we swim through life unaware of the help we need (from others and God) just to get through the day. God created us for community, to be dependent upon others and our Provider, to care for us and help us thrive.
Whether it’s family, neighbors, our church, or a small group, surrounding ourselves with people who can speak into our lives is vital to our well-being.
Independence is a real struggle for me. I long to be like a goldfish—trusting in others so I’m not such a loner. I cannot survive without community.