Surviving Single Parenting After Divorce
Tez appears again on “The Boundless Show” with Lisa Anderson Listen to Tez and Lisa discuss single parenting after divorce and what you can do to survive. Jump to timestamp 23:00 minutes
Tez appears again on “The Boundless Show” with Lisa Anderson Listen to Tez and Lisa discuss single parenting after divorce and what you can do to survive. Jump to timestamp 23:00 minutes
We’re excited to announce the YouVersion 3-day reading plan “Hope For Single Fathers” by Tez Brooks, made the finalists today for the prestigious 2022 Selah Awards. This year the nationwide entries included 440 literary pieces from books to articles. The Selah Awards, which are awarded annually are given to books and other literary works within…
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How does your morning start on Christmas Day? As a parent, do you have plans or do you let the day carry you as it may? I’ve found I need to strike a balance between spontaneity and intentional planning. If you are a single parent, chances are you may have to share holidays with an…
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NOTE: Today’s post was written by guest blogger and single mom, Alex Hall. The holidays have arrived, and normally your kids would be delirious with excitement, chatting about the presents they hope to receive and upcoming holiday parties they plan to attend. But this year is different. You’re recently single, and the…
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A great post I had to share from Dr. Watson on Fathers.com On this Father’s Day weekend I have a gift for you…a gift of words, beginning with some validation and encouragement, then ending with a challenge. As a father, you no doubt have a lot of weight on your shoulders and I’m guessing that you often feel overwhelmed with all…
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A few months ago, I had the privilege of interviewing Lawrence Jackson, a local single dad who wants to encourage other parents who struggle to parent alone. It’s our hope his story helps someone. TEZ: Lawrence, how did your kids initially handle the news of your marriage break-up? LAWRENCE: The initial reaction to the divorce from…
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My youngest daughter entered high school last fall. I feel like she was just born a few months ago and I holding her in one arm. Parents, have you ever said “I have plenty of time”? I’m not so sure we do. Time flies by so fast and before you know it, it’s dusk. I’m…
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I was nineteen—old enough to know better. My yellow Maverick was a clunker and needed more attention than I was willing to give. In a hurry to get to work, I cranked the engine, threw the car into reverse, checked my mirrors, and backed out into the street. I turned on…
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Her name was Babette—Babs for short. She was my first Global Positioning System (GPS), and I loved the way she made my life so easy. After a few years, however, I noticed I couldn’t always trust her. One day while I was driving, Babs broke beyond repair. Our relationship was over and…
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Here’s just a few that portray single dads as intelligent, caring fathers. What movies do YOU suggest? List them in the comments. (Movie ratings and reviews can be found at PluggedIn.com) The Pursuit of Happyness A true story based on Chris Gardner’s one-year struggle with homelessness. The film features Will Smith as Gardner, an on-and-off-homeless salesman.…
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In time for Valentine’s Day, check out this short film about the longing for love and tell us: 1. What you think this film says about single people’s needs or desires? 2. What is the character in this film really longing for?
In this final installment on the topic of divorce grief and your kids, let’s look at the third phase, “Acceptance.” When you begin to see the following issues appearing, you can know your child has embraced the divorce as a reality. They have decided to move forward, anticipating their future. Initiating discussions about the loss.…
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