Category: Parenting

How Do I Raise an Independent Dependent?

Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day. Our freedom from England. Several years ago I recall helping my young daughter celebrate freedom by allowing her to walk home half a mile from the grocery store alone…for the first time. She was 13. Was I a little behind with that? Is 13 years-old too long to be just then…
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July 3, 2020 0

Modesty and Your Teen Daughter

“What have you got on? Nope! Go up ad change right now young lady.” Have you had to have the modesty talk yet? Did she understand, or look at you like you have two heads? For decades, society has been flooding our kids with images of what is acceptable and cool, sexualizing our daughters and…
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March 30, 2020 0

Recommended Single Dad Movies

Here’s just a few that portray single dads as intelligent, caring fathers. What movies do YOU suggest? List them in the comments. (Movie ratings and reviews can be found at The Pursuit of Happyness A true story based on Chris Gardner’s one-year struggle with homelessness. The film features Will Smith as Gardner, an on-and-off-homeless salesman.…
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November 21, 2019 0

Will Your Kids Just Survive, or Thrive?

This week my teen went out of her way to make sure she could attend an in-person job interview; something hard to find these days when most people send you to an online application so they can weed out anyone before seeing them.  My wife dropped our daughter off and went shopping, so my teen…
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September 5, 2019 0

Not Evelyn Cho

  In time for Valentine’s Day, check out this short film about the longing for love and tell us: 1. What you think this film says about single people’s needs or desires? 2. What is the character in this film really longing for?

February 10, 2019 0

Have You Taken Your Child on a Mission Trip?

I’m curious. Who has ever taken your child on an outreach (local or overseas)? How did it go? I recall my first mission trip. It was Haiti in 1995. It was transformational. It changed my life forever. So much so I would eventually become a full-time missionary. Flash forward 22 years. My 14-year old daughter…
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July 24, 2018 0
Close up of African American girl in yellow dress smiling and peeking out from behind a tree trunk

Helping Kids Overcome Divorce Grief (Part 3 of 3)

In this final installment on the topic of divorce grief and your kids, let’s look at the third phase, “Acceptance.” When you begin to see the following issues appearing, you can know your child has embraced the divorce as a reality. They have decided to move forward, anticipating their future. Initiating discussions about the loss.…
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July 17, 2016 0

My Son (a poem)

DADS AND SONS by Tez Brooks Today my son carried his grandpa’s casket Sliding it into the hearse, he stands there Blankly staring. I watch him. What’s he thinking? Does he realize he never really knew this man? Is he contemplating life after death? His own soul’s condition? What a fine man my son has become.…
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July 2, 2013 2