Surviving Single Parenting After Divorce
Tez appears again on “The Boundless Show” with Lisa Anderson Listen to Tez and Lisa discuss single parenting after divorce and what you can do to survive. Jump to timestamp 23:00 minutes
Tez appears again on “The Boundless Show” with Lisa Anderson Listen to Tez and Lisa discuss single parenting after divorce and what you can do to survive. Jump to timestamp 23:00 minutes
Host Lisa Anderson and Tez share about “Adult-o-Nomics” and their own experiences becoming functioning adults. Check out the conversation here at timestamp 27:30.
Excitement is building in the Brooks household because the shipment of the advance author copies will be arriving sometime today with one final endorsement added by best-selling author and worldwide evangelist Nicky Cruz. What a blessing!
“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope … ” Romans 5:3-4 (ESV) Do you ever feel like you fail God’s testing time and again? I’ve been serving the Lord for over 50 years, and there are some tests I can’t…
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Does sharing your faith scare you? In this 5-day YouVersion reading plan, Tez focuses on simple ideas to help us share Jesus among our co-workers. Learn organic, relational ways to respond to the opportunities God has placed before you to share your faith with your colleagues who are hungry for spiritual truth.
“It takes a village to raise a child,” says the old African proverb. How much we believe in that differs depending on our trust level of the village.
So, you’re a single Christian and you’ve found a wonderful boyfriend or girlfriend you want to be with every day. For the religiously devout, the answer to the question of whether to engage in premarital cohabitation is a simple “no.” Anyone who knows their Bible understands what scripture says about avoiding temptation. It’s out…
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Should Christianity mix with yoga? Are yoga poses benign if we do them but don’t engage in the spiritual practice behind them? This is the question author and podcaster Heidi St. John asks her guest, Jessica Smith, who taught yoga for many years. Jessica has a unique perspective and a solid biblical stance on this…
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Tez shares on ChristianMix 106 about his passion for sharing the gospel with others as a full-time missionary and how you can learn to be bold by listening to his weekly radio spot.
Very few people now know my given name. Except for my medical records, most everything (my mail, my bank, even my signature) changed to Tez. The old name, carrying memories of hurt and shame, has passed away.
There are a lot of Christian organizations and churches reaching out and ministering to believers who experience homosexual feelings. But are churches offering the wrong support?
Beginning October 1st 2022, Tez can be heard on Christian Mix 106 every Saturday and Sunday at 2 pm. The 90-second spot is called “I Dare Ya!” and it’s aimed at encouraging believers to conquer their fears when it comes to sharing the gospel with others. the first 10 spots give ideas on how to…
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I love my teens. But like all of us, they are prone to wander from what’s good and right. I’m not talking about childish irresponsibility–that’s a “mistake.” I’m talking about blatant disobedience… which ticks me off! Just being honest. Sometimes it makes sense. They have wants and desires that often conflict with what they are…
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Angels All Around Us This collaboration of stories includes one from Tez and his interesting interaction with an angel.
I’ve been following Jesus since I was six years old (50 years). Yet it seems I’ve been asking myself the same question for decades, “How long will I have to fight against my former self?” While it’s true God is transforming us day by day, we won’t truly be perfected until we shed this body…
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I hate to see Advent Calendars in grocery stores that hold no meaning except to provide a countdown and a piece of candy for children. Often the calendar has no reference to Christ or anything remotely spiritual. It’s nothing more than a box of chocolate with cartoon characters on it. Years ago I decided to…
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Check out one of several devotional reading plans written by Tez
“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing.” Psalm 34:7-9 “You have issues!” I laughed as I picked up my dog and comforted…
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My 32-year-old son hasn’t allowed us into his life in almost seven years. He has made it clear he doesn’t want any of us (me, his step-mom, his little sisters, his uncles/aunt or cousins) in his life. I won’t go into the bad choices he’s made nor the consequences he’s suffered. All I know is…
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