So, this happened today.
Every cop in my hood got a free copy of my book, plus a DVD of the JESUS film.

Brooks on the Radical Abundance podcast with Teresa Janzen.
Hear why Tez wrote “Debriefing” on Radical Abundance with Teresa Janzen.

Another Excerpt from “Debriefing: Meditations of Hope for Those Who Protect and Serve”
Available for pre-order now on Amazon YOUR CALLING “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:14 (ESV). Being a first responder is a heavy responsibility. Not everyone can do what you do. It takes fortitude and a special gift. As you know, there’s a certain…
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Blogger, Beth Lueders talks about the Gift of a Father’s Hug.
The gift of a father’s hug. http://ow.ly/ybCN30jt5UT

What Does the Bible Say About Kids Obeying Their Parents?
I love my teens. But like all of us, they are prone to wander from what’s good and right. I’m not talking about childish irresponsibility–that’s a “mistake.” I’m talking about blatant disobedience… which ticks me off! Just being honest. Sometimes it makes sense. They have wants and desires that often conflict with what they are…
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Brooks Makes Finalist List for 2022 Selah Awards
We’re excited to announce the YouVersion 3-day reading plan “Hope For Single Fathers” by Tez Brooks, made the finalists today for the prestigious 2022 Selah Awards. This year the nationwide entries included 440 literary pieces from books to articles. The Selah Awards, which are awarded annually are given to books and other literary works within…
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Can Police Be Ambassadors of Hope?
An excerpt from Tez’s upcoming book, Debriefing: Meditations of Hope for Those Who Protect and Serve. “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter…
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Now Available
Angels All Around Us This collaboration of stories includes one from Tez and his interesting interaction with an angel.

Will I Always Struggle with My Sinful Nature?
I’ve been following Jesus since I was six years old (50 years). Yet it seems I’ve been asking myself the same question for decades, “How long will I have to fight against my former self?” While it’s true God is transforming us day by day, we won’t truly be perfected until we shed this body…
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YouVersion Reading Plans by Tez
You may already know Tez has several reading plans he’s written for YouVersion daily devotionals on the Bible App. In March he’ll be releasing “Hope for Police Officers” a 7-day plan for cops. More details will follow as the date approaches. Other reading plans by Tez already available are: ~ Fearlessly Making Disciples (written for…
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Activity: Christmas Skip Counting Book
Today’s post was submitted by Jessica Lightle, Community Manager for Education.com If you have kids in grades K-2, kids learn how to count by twos. In teacher-lingo, this is called “skip counting.” Give your child some practice with even numbers, while creating a cute Christmas keepsake. Plus, get some holiday cards in the bargain. For…
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SPIRITUAL TRAINING: Being Intentional, Not Rigid at Christmas
How does your morning start on Christmas Day? As a parent, do you have plans or do you let the day carry you as it may? I’ve found I need to strike a balance between spontaneity and intentional planning. If you are a single parent, chances are you may have to share holidays with an…
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Helping Your Kids Enjoy the Holidays With Only One Parent
NOTE: Today’s post was written by guest blogger and single mom, Alex Hall. The holidays have arrived, and normally your kids would be delirious with excitement, chatting about the presents they hope to receive and upcoming holiday parties they plan to attend. But this year is different. You’re recently single, and the…
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